no..just a reality check..something hits me! and i need to wake up from a very long sleep..
need to stay on the ground..on my own two feet..
a man got to do what a man got to do..
ps/ is it raining outside..or it's just me..feeling cold inside..
Khamis, 31 Julai 2008
reality check..
Rabu, 30 Julai 2008
i need to remind myself..that I'M not A B.O.S.S
today instead of learning new tricks in programming,
i( including my frenemy vister) spend most of our time (from 9a.m-12.15p.m)
printing thousands and thousands of Bar Code.. and it's not finish yet.
after this need to print thousands more..
with our newly appointed senior manager for I.T section
and i don't feel like studying anything today, the printing job takes away all the 'good mood' in me.
don't know what to write anymore.
..just a reminder for myself.."Buat saja la" translate "Just Do IT"
ps/ the lestary - sindarela on tv3 last night ended it series with a "BOOM!".. FANTASTIC ENDING EVER! know..when you thought that this girl will ended up with this guy..she ended being single..thats what i call DRAMA..not the happy ending kind of thing..S.Amani is not a good actress..she is a BRILLIANT actress.. Congrats Sindarella!!

Dicatat oleh merapuswz@webber di 1:08 PTG 0 ulasan
Label: sindarela final episode
Isnin, 28 Julai 2008
Hari ini..
hari ini..sya ada rajin sikit dari hari hari selalu lah..
belajar programming.. Tapi sebab sya nie slow sikit mau terima benda benda logik macam nie..terpaksa baca w.o.r.d by w.o.r.d untuk faham nie far so good lah.. tapi mau pening sudah sikit..tulah sebab pii update blog nie..jam pun menunjukkan 11.51a.m nanti 12.30 mau pii makan..perkara yang paling sya tunggu tunggu selalu..
and besok.. General Manager mau belanja kami lunch di promenade..i'll be the photographer..Me and Camera is a match made in you know why i love taking pictures of others instead of others taking pictures of me?? haha..let just say that i'm not a photogenic material..haha..but i do hope to take picture with the GM..haha.. maybe in doing so..i also can be a General Manager someday..hhaahah..yupss
so update later lagi..bubyee..oo ya..and this is my current just as a reminder for those of you who cannot remember how i look likes..haha..
Success Journey
Success is a journey not a destination a year from now you may wish you had started today.
Every beginner is a winner. Success is not escaping problems but facing them creatively.
There is no success without sacrifice.
Great success always calls for great sacrifice.
Even failure can become an important ingredient to success.
Failure just means that you have not yet succeeded.
I’d rather change my mind and succeed than have my own way and fail. Success without conflict is unrealistic.
Any person can be successful on smooth seas, but it is the victory over the storm that gains true honor.
Success doesn’t come through the way you think it comes; it comes through the way you think.
Never settle for less than success.
Success is doing something good.
When you can, where you can, while you can.
It’s better to attempt to do something great and fail, than attempt to do nothing and succeed.
Success is not necessarily reaching your goal- but reaching the maximum possibilities in light of the opportunities that come your way.
To keep your values on target remember to live so that when you “arrive”, you’ll have pride behind you and hope ahead of you.
The success is truly the path to heaven.
Success is never ending, because success is like the process of seed planting. Every creative contribution like a seed planted may bear fruit.
Success finally is not what you have it is not what you do; it is who you are, and what you want to become of yourself.
Felix Lugo
taken from
Jumaat, 25 Julai 2008
apa yang dia suruh???
siapakah yang disuruh??
apoakah yang disuruh??
pandai pandailah menyuruh??
bila disuruh?
kita menyuruh???
siapa menyuruh?
dia menyuruh?
kenapa dia menyuruh?
mengapa dia menyuruh?
siapa suruh, kau suruh, dia suruh..
Selasa, 22 Julai 2008
my horoscope today..
The Bottom Line
Staying confident is simple if you embrace all the good energy coming your way.
In Detail
Staying confident today will be simple if you ignore negative energy and embrace all the good energy that is coming your way. Walk away from the people who are pushing your buttons and making you doubt yourself. They aren't helping you find that self-assuredness that you want right now, so what good are they? You will find all the support and encouragement you need if you believe you deserve it. You have far more people in your corner than you realize -- look behind you, today, and you'll see
...yeah i guess..embrace all the good energy..
Isnin, 21 Julai 2008
dear people..
i'm begging u..please don't ruin my morning..
i don't know if i'm more sensitive nowadays..
but please don't ruin my i don't ruin yours too..
..typical me..
maybe im just to sensitive..
if you don;t have something nice to say to me..
don;t talk to me at all..
Jumaat, 18 Julai 2008
microsoft words and Excel is to simple for you? THINK AGAIN..
in excel.. it have 40,000++ numbers. This number can be unique(translate no dupilcation) and can also be duplicate.. The task was identify the unique and duplicated number. e.g
Numbers Unique/Duplicate
1 Unique
1 Duplicate
2 Unique
3 Unique
3 Duplicate
3 Duplicate
4 Unique
in ms words.. its a mail merge task..and it's complicate.. u have to use the merge mail function..use the table formula..and so on..
.... yesterday, it took me about 8 hours to came out with the solution ....
.... and i'm i the happiest person on the earth! you BET!! ...
Rabu, 16 Julai 2008
hari ini..
tiada semangat jah mau buat kerja..malas mungkin nie..
teda mood betul..
hemm..tidak tau la nie..
kalau begini, selalu lepas tidur, bangun..baru ok balik mood..
tidak pun jumpa family..baru ok lagi mood..
ya la..
typical me..
ps/ pura pura busy kerja..tau tau tidak pun concerntrate..
Jumaat, 11 Julai 2008
current mood..
Tapi Bukan Aku
Tapi Bukan Aku - Kerispatih
Intro : G
Jangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku
Ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka
C D Em A7
Tak ingin ku paksakan cinta ini
Meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima
Aku memang manusia paling berdosa
Khianati rasa demi keinginan semu
C D Em A7
Lebih baik jangan mencintai aku dan semua hatiku
Karena takkan pernah kau temui, cinta sejati
Am D
Berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini
G Em
Dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
Am D
Sekalipun aku takkan pernah
G G7
mencoba kembali padamu
C D Em A
Sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma
Sebab rasa ku tlah mati untuk menyadarinya
Musik : C D Em F#m G
C D Em A
Am D
Am D
Semoga saja kan kau dapati
G Em
Hati yg tulus mencintaimu
Am D
Tapi bukan aku
Bm E
Berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini
A F#m
Dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
Bm E
Sekalipun aku takkan pernah
A A7
mencoba kembali padamu
D E F#m B
Sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma
Sebab rasa ku tlah mati untuk menyadarinya
...more update later...
Rabu, 9 Julai 2008
i'm busy..looking at the database design..
then busy creating the GUI for my latest(our latest,vister and I) project..
i dont know if the database design and the GUI design will be approve by the Manager..
but as far as i'm concern..i did my ..should i say best?..i;m not sure actually..because i'm working under a great GREAT pressure..
and the system shoul be up and running on this SATURDAY.. This FreaKing SaturdaYY
Isnin, 7 Julai 2008
Happy Belated Birthday..
ya..i celebrated my birthday on the 4th of july.. actually i was born on the 3rd of july..
25 years more, and i'll be 50 years old.. so what's my birthday wish..?
i hope my life will be better in the years to's not that i'm not thankful for my previous 25 years behind..instead i'm happy with all the 25 years experience of living the cruel cruel world! haha..
on my be exact on the 3rd of july..5.45a.m(SPELLED A.M) mother and my youngest sister called and wish me a birthday wish..and guess what my mother's gift for me on my 25th birthday?'s not a's not money( if it was then every month is my birthday then).. actually it was a prayer..and guess what? i couldn't ask for more.. thank you dear Family..
thank you for all the wishes..via my friendster,telephone,sms and etc.. And a special shout out to my cousin Doris a.k.a D.J're the first person to wish me on my birthday! thank you!
Selasa, 1 Julai 2008
1st Project
voting system. Must be completed before 12/july. Wish us Luck. worst come to worst..Siti,Judith and Clarence to the rescue!!..haha..and o ya, we will be using ruby and rails to develop the system.. 1st project yehhhaaa...
and i miss my gf.. she's busy studying for 'our' better future..haha..i'll be the house'husband' then..thoughts ? hahaha