WOW..never thought that my post on the 'unduk ngadau tambunan' was a hit! this was indeed my biggest hits ever withcurrently ( from 17 -21/5 ) 107 unique visitors. Thank you all for the comments. I wish the unduk ngadau Tambunan 2008 all the best in the unduk ngadau sabah 2008 0n 30-31 mei.
Move on.. There's been a lot happening events on TV and in my life in the past few days..Start off with me taking pictures while on the way back from K.K to Tambunan. There's many beautifu scenery canbe captured along the way from K.K to Tambunan. The view of kg.sunsuron tambunan from top is priceless. On the waythere is also a stopping point for those who wants to take a rest before continuing their journey to tambunan orkeningau. It is called the Air Terjun Masakob (Masakob waterfall). Since the gate to the waterfall was closed, i onlymanage to took pictures outside the waterfall masakob.
On 21/5 i went to keningau for my driving test. And Guess what?? i've failed. To make things worst it was the secondtime i took the driving test. Hahah..Trauma juga la..Frust gila..but hey, when i come to think about it..there's always a positive side..at least i don't have to be anyone's driver. haha.
Fail Lebuh raya Keningau!
nampak yang bertulis gsm tu..its stand for GAGAL SERTA MERTA kalau translate dalam bahasa ibunda george bush.. Fail with immediate effect! haha
Sia teminum beer 3 tin bah b4 pii test parking.. bukan kereta yang langgar tiang..tapi sya! Keluar kereta jah, sya terhantuk tu tiang..kena kasi fail jpj juga..haha..silaka punya kepala(ada lebam sikit)
First up.. Manchester United won the Champions leagaue against Chelsea. So ronaldo missed his penalty shot andso is john terry. Congratulation to Manchester United! i'm not a fan but anyone who go against chelsea has my support. hahaha..No i don't hate chelsea, it just that chelsea clinton reject my marrige proposal. haha..

and Yes..the America-so-called-idol. Little archuleta fans failed to make him theiramerican idol. For me little david has delivered an OKAY performance compare to David Cook on the finale.if David cook lost on the american idol, it has to be because of the wrong song choices.But maybe the americans voters also considered David Cook past fantastic performance ( remember always be my baby ).for little david archuleta, its not about song choices,maybe his lack of sex-appeal(haha..no i dont know what imtalking about)..what's sex-appeal anway??...BUt congrats to both david, GREAT performance on the finale.
And guess what, i completes my degree in I.T. (only managed to get 2nd class upper)haha..my cgpa..hemm..it above 3 and below 3.7.haha. On monday i'll be trained to be a web programmer in a secret location(6 months with hemm.. small amount of allowance, but who am i to complain).
so thats about it.. not-so-looking-forward for the akademi fantasia finale this saturday. I hope Stacy-alamak-terlebih-sudah will be crowned as the af champions and make her the 2nd girl to win the competition after mila.
continue on reading people. if there's any happening event especially in Tambunan i hope i can be there to cover the event..haha..
paparazzi wannabes. Alamak terlebih sudah!
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